Very hot lolicon hentai collection from a talented artist with a unique style. And the main theme of this great CG’s collection is lolidom, sex with daddy and other family members! 😉 Warnings: lolidom, futa, boydom, forced to sex, humiliation, rape, BDSM, bondage, bestiality (in some scenes).

Extremely cute and horny little girls posing naked, showing their perfect girlish bodies and having sex in various slutty positions with their friends, brothers, dads or even the grandaddies! 😉 And only here, at HappyHentai, we have the most complete and not censored/cut version of his works. Please, enjoy! 🙂

Incredible furry lolicon-shotacon hentai collection from a famous artist contains tons of cute furry boys and girls (from various cartoons, anime, and games) enjoying passionate sex in a variety of kinky positions! 😉 Warnings: rape, forced to sex, yaoi (gay) shotacon content (in some scenes).