“Sad(istic) Tales” is a hardcore and rough lolicon porn hentai collection which include a most rude stories and single pics of hard rape of beautiful lolis (or shotas, in some scenes) by their daddies, mommies, uncles and other relatives! WARNINGS: hard rape, violence, humilation, torture, forced to sex, boydom, bondage, BDSM, spanking, yaoi (gay) shotacon (in most scenes).

Somewhere in Africa a long time ago, it was a beautiful day and Xi wanted to go spear fishing with his best friend Taro, but Taro had to help his mother in the village, so Xi decided to go alone. The boys of the village are strictly forbidden to go on hunt alone, because there are cannibals living just a few miles away and they often violate the villager’s territory. Xi found a beautiful fishing spot, unaware that he already had evil eyes on him…
“Lolidom Stories” is a hot and sexy hentai lolicon collection full of very naughty little girls whose sexual desires – full domination over their mommies, daddies, brothers or girlfriends and boyfriends! 😉 Warnings: humiliation, forced to sex, rape, bondage, torture, yuri (lesbian) lolicon, yaoi (gay) shotacon (in most scenes).