“Sad(istic) Tales” is a hardcore and rough lolicon porn hentai collection which include a most rude stories and single pics of hard rape of beautiful lolis (or shotas, in some scenes) by their daddies, mommies, uncles and other relatives! WARNINGS: hard rape, violence, humilation, torture, forced to sex, bondage, BDSM, spanking, yaoi (gay) shotacon (in most scenes).

Very hot lolicon hentai collection from a talented artist with a unique style. And the main theme of this great CG’s collection is lolidom, sex with daddy and other family members! 😉 Warnings: lolidom, futa, boydom, forced to sex, humiliation, rape, BDSM, bondage, bestiality (in some scenes).

Cute and horny little girls are very like to pose naked, show their tiny and juicy cunts and enjoy sex with their daddies, brothers and with each others 😉 Also, this pack contains many characters from various cartoons (“The Simpsons”, “Wreck-It Ralph”, “Inside Out” and others). Warnings: yaoi (gay) shotacon content (in some scenes).

Extremey hot and very sexy little boys (and girls in some scenes) are posing naked, showing their perfect smooth bodies and having a passionate sex with each others. Also these great collection by famous artist contains many characters from various games, comics and cartoons! This winter will be very hot! 😉