“Sad(istic) Tales” is a hardcore and rough lolicon porn hentai collection which include a most rude stories and single pics of hard rape of beautiful lolis (or shotas, in some scenes) by their daddies, mommies, uncles and other relatives! WARNINGS: hard rape, violence, humilation, torture, forced to sex, boydom, bondage, BDSM, spanking, yaoi (gay) shotacon (in most scenes).

Very hot lolicon hentai collection from a talented artist with a unique style. And the main theme of this great CG’s collection is lolidom, sex with daddy and other famlly members! 😉 Warnings: lolidom, boydom, forced to sex, humiliation, rape, BDSM, bondage, bestiality, futa, yaoi (gay) shotacon, yuri (lesbian) lolicon content (in some scenes).

New and very hot lolicon-shotacon 3D hentai image set by very talented artist. Horny teen and preteen lolitas posing naked and showing their perfect young bodies, wet pussies and tight asses. Most of his girls are brats and tomboys, have nice muscular bodies. They like masturbate, hagving fun with each others and with their boyfriends. This set also contains some hot straight shota scenes for any tastes, enjoy!
What could be better then a perfect start of the day when the attentive daddy makes love to his cute little boys and girls, who desperately need the daddy’s attention and daily care! Especially if this an oral, anal and any other care is provided to them by beloved daddy! 😉 Warning: yaoi (gay) shotacon content (in some scenes).