“Papa’s Fuck Toys” is a new extremely hot HARDCORE lolicon 3D pack dedicated to extremely horny girls and boys and their naughty horny daddies, who very love to fuck their pretty girls and boys in various perverted positions like rabbits and drench them with cum! Yes, come here, baby, daddy’s cock needs your tight holes so bad!

This pack contains ultra high quality 3D renders by Master of Cunny. The main theme of this volume is Sarah and Ellie from The Last of Us fucling hard with other girls and men, exlporing their sexuality and testing various sex toys like giant dildos; also some other hot stories about preteen school lesbians fucking in a toilet, enjoy! Also, don’t miss the other works by MoC!
“Sad(istic) Tales” is a hardcore and rough lolicon porn hentai collection which include a most rude stories and single pics of hard rape of beautiful lolis (or shotas, in some scenes) by their daddies, mommies, uncles and other relatives! WARNINGS: hard rape, violence, humilation, torture, forced to sex, bondage, BDSM, spanking, yaoi (gay) shotacon (in some scenes).

Extremely cute and horny little girls posing naked, showing their perfect girlish bodies and having sex in various slutty positions with their friends, brothers, dads or even the grandaddies! 😉 And only here, at HappyHentai, we have the most complete and not censored/cut version of his works. Please, enjoy! 🙂