Cute and little girls and boys are very love having sex with their favourite brothers! And these sexy girls and boys extremely want to suck hard cocks and feel their brothers’ stiffy boners in their wet and tiny holes! 😉 Warnings: gay (yaoi) shotacon content, deflowering, forced to sex, rape (in some scenes).
Vinny Innocent’s hentai works are all about hardcore rape, forcing, kidnapping, spanking and group gangbang of cute loli girls. Homeless guy kidnapped a schoolgirl and raped her in the ass; Daddy enters to a shower where his daughter showering and checked if she cleaned all her body, then fucking her little vagina and ass… Enjoy! Warnings: rape, humiliation.
“Sad(istic) Tales” is a hardcore and rough lolicon porn hentai collection which include a most rude stories and single pics of hard rape of beautiful lolis (or shotas, in some scenes) by their daddies, mommies, uncles and other relatives! WARNINGS: hard rape, violence, humilation, torture, forced to sex, bondage, BDSM, spanking, yaoi (gay) shotacon (in most scenes).